This time hadn't checked Google Maps for possible stairways; part of the fun is discovering them by accident. Sometimes I see ones I can't seem to find on GM later. When I later notice that I may have missed some (and I did…), I can always go back and check them out, as in: Had I climbed just one more block uphill I would've found another one.
Up from Bridgeway and Princess, my first stairway of this rather strenuous trek was a stone one with the words "Pedestrian Ln" on one of the steps (first pic). It turned into an enclosed walkway (pics 2, 3, 4), then more steps up to Bulkley (37 steps).
Another short walk just below the street: 10 steps down and 14 back up to Bulkley, pic 5.
Bulkley into Atwood: Views south from Josephine and Atwood (pix 6, 7) and, continuing up, from Southview Park on North Street (pic 8) where I stopped for lunch. Pic 9: A treedeck on Atwood.
First long one of the day: West Ct. down from North/Central with 103 steps, pics 10, 11, 12, 13. Love this one; especially fond of houses whose front yards open directly onto a stairway.
Found a second longer one right away: Oak up from West/Richardson to Lower Crescent. The longer, middle, part is wide wood/dirt (possibly homeowner-made?), then another short concrete flight to the top. 94 steps: pics 14, 15, 16, 17.
A gate on Lower Crescent, pic 18. Last pic: View from the same area.