Just before reaching the top of the Joy stairway down from Brewster, passed Costa and Faith. Faith includes a short stairway (first pic). Both streets descend to Holladay.
Joy has around 150 steps, Brewster to Holladay, pix 2 through 9. The openspace next to the stairway's looking green now and the bench is still there.
A few THENs and NOWs for a couple of mid-Joy houses. The THENs are from 2004 or thereabouts: pics 10 and 11; 12, 13 and 14; 15.
Joy continues to Holladay: 16 through 21.
Esmeralda's south stairway climbs to Franconia from Brewster. Pic 22, 105 or so steps.
There's a long northside stairway for Esmeralda as well, including a couple of minipark slides, that climbs into Bernal Heights Park from its beginning at Coleridge, around 260 total steps. This is called the "Esmeralda Corridor" after it passes Elsie.
Mayflower: 65 steps from Holladay up to Franconia (pics 23 through 27). Check out 485 Franconia on Google Maps for the top of this one.
Last pic: Houses at the south end of Franconia at Powhattan near Peralta.