Another short trail starts near the Fort Scott Community Garden, behind the residences, and climbs to Rob Hill Campground, pic 4.
A slightly longer wildtrail is the one that runs east from the Cemetery Overlook (pic 5) out to the side of the Post Chapel, pic 6. I highly recommend this one for anyone who loves forests. Love the sittin’ logs. Downhill to the east edge, then up another part of it, out at the Cemetery Overlook’s south entrance.
Mountain Lake’s renovated eastside now has a new bench to replace the old ones. This rustic, newly-built bench’s wood has a delightful aroma, pic 7. But then the whole park smells good.
Batteries to Bluffs Trail (8 thru 23), about 473 steps.
Log sittin’ on the Bay Area Ridge Trail, pic 24. The Spire seen from the Bay Area Ridge Trail just before the end of the trail at Arguello, pic 25.
Down to the Ecology Trail from Inspiration Point Overlook, last pic.