First, however, I needed to get up there. First long stairway was Excelsior Lane (179 steps), about three blocks' worth. It climbs up from Bridgeway alongside the Wells Fargo Bank.
At the top of Excelsior, curved round on Santa Rosa to access the next long one (187 steps) that climbs to Spencer. There are various kinds of steps; it starts out as stone with wood railings and finishes with all wood at the top (pix 1 thru 7). It's unnamed, one of my favorite Sausalito stairways. This is where I saw a deer in someone's yard on a previous hike.
Spencer Ave. curves up and around for a few blocks to the freeway offramp for Spencer. Since there's an exit here, there are a fair number of cars descending into residential Sausalito. Walking towards the traffic seems safer than having cars sneak up behind, there being no sidewalks.
Pic 8: 45 steps up from Spencer to access a long one (204 steps) down to Prospect.
At the top of Spencer, a short distance ahead to the west on Monte Mar is an underpass (pic 9) with a parking lot beyond. Here's where the Morning Sun Trail starts up into the GGNRA (pix 10, 11, 12) .
Some of the old wood stairs are quite steep, no railings, with stretches of narrow dirt-and-leaves trail in between and gorgeous trees. 177 steps as far as I went -- but there were more up ahead that I could see. Didn't quite make it up to the top as I was limited time-wise; had to allow myself enough time to get back down the mountain in time to catch the ferry.
It's a popular trail, with other hikers encountered several times up 'n down. Pix 13 through 24.
Back down the Spencer-to-Santa Rosa steps, then west to descend the main Locust steps, 60 for this part down to Cazneau (last two pics).