Down from the garden to descend a couple of the old stone stairways (third pic). This is what the Dragonfly Creek stone footbridge looks like now: fourth pic.
Dragonfly Creek has been nicely "daylighted" and I could see a small stream of water below as I crossed the bridge to the nursery (fifth pic). The old log stairway (26 steps, sixth pic) is still here. Seventh foto: A planter at the nursery.
Headed east on the Park Trail, continuing up the 98 steps through the forest to the Cemetery Overlook (pics 8, 9, 10, 11).
Out from the Cemetery Overlook's south side to Inspiration Point Overlook (off Arguello) via the bike lane instead of the Bay Area Ridge Trail that's above the road. Last pic: Andy Goldsworthy's Spire sculpture.