The top of Waller has 90 steps (south side) and a layered planting space in middle. The north side is a walkway with no steps: 3 thru 11
The Waller stairway is now called “Adah’s Stairway,” pic 12
Searched Google Maps using this name and was taken right to it.
It was dedicated several years ago to the author of “Stairway Walks in San Francisco,” Adah Bakalinsky.
Alpiine's east side-stairs down to Waller: 117, pix 13, 14
Duboce also has 73 north side-stairs down to Divisadero and some steps hugging the fronts of homes; the latter not counted: 15, 16, 17
The whole three blocks from Castro to Buena Vista park should have side-stairs; supersteep in this area.