This ramp down from Bosworth is called Chilton, pic 2.
Passing the Burnside steps from Bosworth down to Paradise, pix 3, 4.
Hamerton stairway up from Bosworth is a favorite way to get from the Glen Park ‘hood over to Mount Davidson’s Sunnyside neighborhood. At the top of Hamerton is the east end of Mangels. Pic 5.
Passing the steps down into Glen Park Rec. Center to the playing field from Bosworth, pic 6.
This time entering Glen Canyon at its south/westernmost end off Bosworth alongside the cool-looking old homes here. Hadn’t used this trailhead in some time so this was the first time seeing it with new rustic fence sections. Moving along the westside trail noticed more of the same: 7 thru 16.
West trail under the trees: 17
End of the west trail where it merges into the main east trail: pic 18.
More hackbacks on the canyon floor trail - as in widening even more than last time I was there: 19, 20
Out briefly to the slightly higher trail then down again for foraging on the Islais Creek Trail: 21, 22.
Stepping over piles of branches to get to some easier to reach berries slightly off the main trail. Amazing how much punishment these poor bushes take, yet they continue to bear yummy fruit. Saw no one else on this trail the whole time I was there, Just butterflies and spiders. Sorry for inadvertently running into your webs, guys.
The spot at Sussex/Elk and Diamond Heights where 38 steps descend into the canyon needs both a crosswalk and speed bumps. This is one of the entrances into the park and cars zoom up and down this hilly, curvy street way too fast, pic 23.
At the up-scramble part that climbs out to Portola, looked like they’d raked the foot of it more since my last visit but no steps yet. Didn’t go all the way up this time though.
Heading south now just past the footbridge on the main trail, some steps connect with the longest (184 steps) stairway that winds all the way up to Crags Court/Garden in Diamond Heights, last pic.