A few wood steps, then some brick-with-wood, then regular concrete stairs took me back down to Larkin again on the north side of the park: 92 steps (fourth pic). George Sterling Park's boundaries are Larkin-Hyde and Greenwich-Lombard.
One more block to Chestnut with the top of the Chestnut stairway to my left. Larkin here is divided. Cars and bicycles can continue to Francisco on the lower part. The upper part is redbricked with the top of the Larkin stairway at its vehicle dead-end: first part 26 steps.
From here, directly ahead across Francisco (2800) is the second part: 59 steps down alongside the covered reservoir (next two pics: the first taken several years ago during the Blue Angels airshow).
The area just above the reservoir is called Russian Hill Open Space; the area below it is Russian Hill Park. The reservoir is covered with rotting wood (holes and No Trespassing signs seen from the stairway: seventh pic).
At the north edge of the reservoir is a trail that will take you out to Hyde (last pic: a view from Hyde and Francisco at the end of this trail).
Continuing down from here are 79 more concrete steps through Russian Hill Park to Bay Street, making this one 159 steps in all.