Entering Buena Vista Park at Buena Vista West off Haight: 1
Starting up the north side: 2 thru 5
For the first stairway taken this time, 64 steps, then a short space and some more for a total of 76: 6 thru 16
North side continuing up: 17 thru 28
41 old stone steps to the summit greenspot: 29 thru 34
The summit: 35 thru 39
Summit area and south: 40 thru 47
The main south side, newer, stairway (with E-W walkways) has 171 steps to the street, Buena Vista Ave. East. These are wood with metal tips and railings on both sides: 48 thru 73
Buena Vista Ave. East. The former St. Joseph's Hospital was built in 1928, delicensed in 1979, then converted into condos: 74thru 81
Back up again, an older, shorter, uneven wood stairway with no rails: 82, 83, 84
Meandering up, then down, eventually exiting the park at Buena Vista Ave. West: 85 thru 111
Downhill to Haight: 112, 113
Haight St. between the park and Masonic: 114 thru 120