Reade does not show up on Google maps as a thru stairway starting up from Bridgeway, but does have street signs at both Bridgeway and Bulkley. From Bridgeway you can see steps up ahead as you look down the narrow alley.
Up from Bulkley, Noble Lane’s 98 steps ascend. Noble does not show up as a stairway on Google Maps, but if you input the name it will show one of those red markers at the top of the stairs where it comes out at San Carlos and Sunshine. Noble, foot to top: 7, 8, 9, 10.
Down West Court from Central, 103 steps: 11 thru 17. At the foot it turns into West Street.
Up Oak Lane from West at Central and Richardson, 93 steps (pix 18 thru 22, foot to top). This stairway does not show up at all on Google Maps, not even as a red marker. But if you go to Streetview down from the West Court steps where Central starts uphill, you can see the foot of a stairway on the west side of the street.
Oak starts out as concrete with railings, turns into wood steps in the middle, and back to regular concrete towards the top at Lower Crescent. It does have street signs at both the foot at West/Central/Richardson and the top.
Continuing this hike … next post …