166 steps for the north side: 1 thru 4
South side, 164, and main: 5 thru 8
The north side steps start up alongside a couple of older apt. buildings.
Now for next-door Fallon. Used to be able to see some of the original steps here from when it was “the San Francisco street of 86 steps.” Looks like some or all have been replaced.
This is an out-of-print book that I found some years ago at the main library. Don’t recall the author’s name. Did anyone know the author or live there when she did? I never dld find the book again. From the 1970s, pic 9.
Fallon now has 77 steps and is a dead-end at the foot due to new residences built years ago.
Ir’s still a public stair-street and there’s a street sign. You’ll just have to walk back up to Taylor. The north side of the buildings faces Ina Coolbrith Park.
Fallon Place: 10 thru 16
Last, Nob Hill’s Priest, 56 steps, is another dead-end (stairs, then a walkway) that used to have a view east many years ago. Its ancient wood railings had yellow caution taoe on them when I visited. Assume new railings are planned.
Priest, up from Washington, looks down on humming cable car tracks.