Dragonfly Creek old stone bridge: 60 if you continue N to S and up the steps to the street: 3 thru 6
A short offshoot stairway leads down to a trail that continuas east to a pedestrian bridge, then the Presidio’s nursery: 7, 8, 9
30 for the nursery stairway. This is a replacement flight, still wood: 10, 11, 12, 13
South to Wisser Ct. for a pleasant visiit to the “hidden” Fort Scott Community Garden: 14 thru 25
11steps for the garden’s stone stairway: 26
17 for the old steps out the east garden gate down to the rear of the residences: 27, 28
The Presidio has lots of short stairways, like these (29, 30). The latter leads up to a favorite trail behind Fort Scott neighborhood homes. Up this short trail to the east edge of Rob Hill Campground.
13 wteps up to the campground: 31
Over to the west side of the campground area and down 30 leaf-covered old wood steps for a newer addition to the park, a few years ago, part of the Anza Trail: 13 steps here, a short dirt trail and five more down to Washington.
So 18 total for this trail segment Onto a trail alongside residences and to Battery Caulfield Road’s sidewalk on the west side of the street.
Pix 32 thru 43 ...