Starting up the Filbert steps from Sansome: 1 thru 7
Wood Filbert steps: 8 thru 13
Napier Lane, first Filbert steps offshoot: 14 thru 38
Continuing up wood Filbert to Darrell Place: 39 thru 52
Darrell Place, second Filbert steps offshoot: 53 thru 68
Up to Montgomery: 69
Divided Montgomery: 70 thru 74
Upper Filbert stairs to Pioneer Park: 75 thru 82
380 steps from Sansome to Telegraph Hill Blvd.
Pioneer Park: 83 thru 92
Inside the Coit Tower lobby: 93 thru 98
Outside again. Greenwich steps in the park down to Telegraph Hill Blvd.: 99 thru 103