At Funston looms the foot of the east Moraga steps: 2, 3.
These east steps (197 steps total from Funston to the top of the stairs in the park) cross a couple of curvy streets on the way to Grandview Park, the city’s tallest dune. Mount Sutro is photogenically across to the east: 4, 5, 6, up the first part.
A divided-street stairway (14th Avenue) on the way up, counted as continuing: 7 thru 11.
Up the east side of the hilltop park: 12 thru 20. Google Maps tells us this stairway is called Encinal Walk.
At the summit are seven more steps if you go round the south side: 21, 22, 23.
Starting down the west side now: 144 zigzaggy steps with a couple of built-in benches: 24 thru 35.
At the foot of the park is another divided-street stairway (15th Avenue), this one now with added railings. Counted it separately from the park’s ziggy-stairs (28 steps down): 36, 37.
— Posting the rest of the pix from this hike into a part 2 as I continue downhill on the west Moraga tiled steps, then down the Hidden Garden Steps a couple of blocks away. Upcoming —