From the Park Trail, headed under the Fort Scott 'hood highway overpass and along the driveway in back of the homes with the small playground above to my left. The chainlink fence that used to divide the playground from the slightly higher community garden (second pic) has been removed. A new sign in the garden: "Public Garden: Plants in this garden may be harvested by garden members and the public. Please leave enough for all to enjoy. Thank you."
Up a short trail (third pic) to Rob Hill Campground and Immigrant Point Overlook across from the campground, down the Connector Trail's 208 steps. Fourth pic: the welcoming bench near the foot of the steps (Lincoln Blvd. is the street. In the distance to the right is Battery Crosby and the west trailhead for the Batteries to Bluffs Trail).
The Angels buzzed again when I was atop Battery Crosby and on the Batteries to Bluffs Trail (473 steps). Fifth pic: west trailhead for the BTB down from the battery; next two pics: down the steep west side; next: A midtrail turn; next: the east trailhead (there's a log here where one can rest). In the distance is the BTB's steep westside.
After reaching the east trailhead for the BTB, headed east through the Golden Gate Overlook and on a favored short trail between vehicle streets to the second bridge area bus stop. Horrific bus conditions even on this weekday visit. I was only going from the bridge area out of the park to Park Presidio and California, but people were squished together already with several of us, including me, having to stand in the stairwells.
I'd never have boarded at all if my ride hadn't been so short. Why can't MUNI put extra buses into use if there are going to be special events in certain areas…? You can't really blame people for choosing to drive when it's like this.
So it's really not a wise choice for me to try to take a bus out of the park for the rest of the week, and probably not even INTO the park this weekend if I go -- because last year it was incredibly slow bumper-to-bumper coming up TO the bridge area. Love the park, but hate the traffic and overcrowded buses. The park's PresidiGO free shuttle comes too seldom for me and if I'm gonna have to wait a half hour or so for it, I may as well just hoof it.
Last year's conditions were excellent for Angelviewing atop Battery Crosby - no fog at all - so this last pic is one from 2011.