Partway along the new boardwalk is an elevated wood deck with a couple of built-in benches. Looking out at the peaceful dunes and green rolling hills to the north, it wasn’t easy to leave. How lucky are those in the residences below to have this beauyspot nearby.
To get here, walked through the 14th Ave. gate and turned right on the paved walkers’ trail, passing below the Wyman Ave. residences, across busy Park Presidio from Mountain Lake.
The wood stairway (the lower part has railings) ascends to the left just before you reach the south trailheads/infosign for the Park and Mountain Lake trails.
This is a major connector trail. On the west side you’ll come out at Battery Caulfield Road where there’s a trail continuing down through the forest that connects with the Lobos Creek boardwalk trail.
Today, however, continued up the hill to Immigrant Point Overlook, then down the Connector Trail from there to Lincoln: 208 winding steps. There’s now a new trailhead sign at the top of this stairway.
From here continued on to Fort Scott for lunch at one of the picnic tables, then onto the Coastal Trail to the bridgeviewing area as yesterday.