A south stairway has 39 steps and climbs to one of the short wood footbridges across the falls: 16, 17. Cross over back to the main steps.
The falls, a flowery bench, and the steppingstones at the foot: 18 thru 22.
Down the north side are 63 more steps, mostly older wood: 23, 24.
To get here, from the N-Judah Metro's 19th Ave. & Judah stop downhilled a couple of blocks to the park, then a short distance on one of the trails to the Stow Lake area, crossing over Martin Luther King Jr. Drive.
Across the picturesque 1893 stone bridge (25 thru 29) and up a few steps for the trail that winds up the hill on the south side (30, 31, 32). Sat on a log partway up for lunch in the pleasurable company of several each squirrels, ducks, and other birds. Widely spaced wood steps down from here, pic 33 .
The Golden Gate Pavilion and nearby steps up: last three pix.