First down the "Merrie Way" steps (128) from the overlook at the lower parking lot (Lands End Lookout), then up the stairway that starts at the cavetop viewplace (first pic: west trailhead for the Coastal Trail). This part (141 steps) is called the Sutro Baths Upper Trail.
Curving round, up the 59 steep steps (second pic) to the upper parking lot overlook from the first Coastal Trail overlook. Onto the El Camino del Mar Trail from here (third pic). Fourth pic: a popular bench on the El Camino, for once not occupied.
Down the connector stairway to the Coastal Trail again (fifth pic: people climbing around below) to do the 138 "Painted Rock" steps (sixth pic).
At the top of these, descended the east side's variety of stairs (about 116 steps, seventh pic).
Last pic is a view of China Beach/Sea Cliff and the Presidio from the Coastal Trail coming out to the east end.
So four stairways this time that have more than 100 steps and three more shorter ones. The last was the Lincoln Park stairway, 52 steps, a very popular Stairmaster and hoping someday to be fully tiled.