Along Lincoln, looking down at the Batteries to Bluffs Trail from the Pacific Overlook: 1 thru 5
A bit further on, the hilltop just off the trail was shockingly bare. Some trees have been removed and one can now see more of the Batteries to Bluffs not visible from Lincoln before. I’d much rather have the trees instead of the added view. Now there are all these stumps: 6 rhru 11
Above Lincoln, south side: 12
However, as I got closer to the west Batteries to Bluffs trailhead was cheered to discover my favorite old tree from this area had been spared: 13, 14
Westside trailhead for the BTB at Lincoln: 15, 16
If you cross over here, there’s the Connector (208 steps) up to Immigrant Point Overlook and Rob Hill Campground: 17
Descending the Sand Ladder, counted the steps actually felt and/or seen. Tis time got 233 — not counting a pile of logs at the foot remembered from last time: 18 thru 50
West on Baker Beach a short distance for the mini-Sand Ladder. Same staircount, 45, as before: 51 thru 60
Baker Beach, moving west: 61 thru 68