Starting at the Portola and Twin Peaks Blvd. trailhead: First three pix.
Pleasant trail climbs at the right side of Twin Peaks Blvd.’s guardrail: 4 thru 13
A crosswalk, then the trail gets steeper: 14 thru 20
Used a few widely spaced straw wattles (erosion control) as stairs but noticed no added steps.
For the last stretch there’s a crosswalk at the top of Midcrest Way where there’s a short trail into the park. Continuing up a curvy trail and out to the road: 21 thru 30
It’s the east side of Twi n Peaks Blvd. along the low white wall that has been closed off to motor vehicles. A couple of people were spraying something, one on either side of the wall, so stayed on he now carless road this time: 31
Passing the top of the 93 wood steps down to Crestline on the east side: 32
Crossing over to the west side of the park, there’s now a walkable trail here on the other side of the guardrail: 33
Down from the road onto the short trail alongside the reservoir, and out to Marview in the Midtown Terrace neighborhood: 34
Passing the Marview trailhead for the trail around Sutro Tower: 35
To the west dead-end for cars of Palo Alto onto La Avanzada, winding down to Clarendon: 36, 37, 38
Passing the north trailhead for the trail circling Sutro Tower, this time with a yellow caution tape across it. This is the superslick trail not recommended during rainy season: 39
Down to Clarendon: 40, 41
Crossing over curving Clarendon (no crosswalks, no skyways, no lights, no speedbumps) …
… over to Mount Sutro’s Edgewood Trail: 42, 43, 44
Edgewood Trail: 45 thru 51
The trail emerges at the south dead-end (for motor vehicles) of redbricked Edgewood Ave.: 52, 53
A few blocks downhill to Farnsworth Lane (149 steps: 54, 55, 56), descending to the bus stop at Parnassus and Willard.