This time on Mount Sutro, close encounters with four mountain bikers as I climbed from the upper Stanyan trailhead (lower Historic).
Sometimes one sees them on a trail below coming up or above swooping down. But sometimes they suddenly appear round the bend and I scramble to the side. And I hike on weekdays. They are, however, also courteous and polite when encountering hikers, and say thank you.
Sone cyclists in other parks (like Land’s End) will see a flight of stairs ahead and must carry their bikes down or up to continue.
Mount Sutro, Mount Davidson, and San Bruno Mountain have regular continuing dirt trails and are therefore popular with mountain bikers, though Sutro is apparently the only one of these where it’s okay for all the trails. Some parks have no-bikes signs for certain trails but they do it anyway.
Starting at the Stanyan trailhead and continuing up to the road: 1 thru 41
Along the road on the walkers’ trail next to the guardrail: 42 thru 55
Dow 136 steps behind UCSF medical buildings: 56 thru 67