Sometimes I take a trail out from the east edge of these apartment buildings that merges with the Connector Trail's lower part (fourth pic) but this time climbed above this. Crossed W-E between the residences where there are walkways, short stairways, and steep streets and eventually came out at the top of Battery Caulfield Road where it merges with Washington (fifth pic: a view west). Up a trail that curls around Rob Hill Campground and through the forest to the Fort Scott Community Garden. Three area staircounts: 13, 8, and 48.
Back around again to Immigrant Point and the top of the Connector (208 steps, pics 6 and 7) so I could take it all the way down.
Crossing Lincoln at the foot of this one, a short sandy trail descends to Battery Crosby. 16 or so steps ascend to the top of the Battery and the Batteries to Bluffs west trailhead (pics 8 and 9: around 473 steps).
From the BTB's east trailhead, the newer Golden Gate Overlook (10th pic) is nearby. Down its main stairway (last pic: about 37) and onto a short trail between two vehicle streets that leads to a bus stop near the bridge.