After a short slog thru some thick sand, then the usual area where I start south from the zoo above the beach, thru the parking spots up here. Finally reaching the north side of the park, climbing to find a trail (pic 3), under the fence, and into the main part: pix 4 thru 7.
119 count for these recently improved steps up from the highway/parking area, a view across to Lake Merced. Counted more other times; once 173. The newer ones are wider: 8 through 12.
On to the hang gliding launching/landing area (enjoyed watching a couple of 'em), and the trail next to it that turns into a stairway a little way down. Looks like a few replacement logs have been added to this Funston Beach Trail. This time got 165 steps going down and 164 back up, just a few more than other times counted: 13 thru 21.